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Smart Vent


INDUSTRY: Consumer Products

Smart Vent and its affiliate, Floodproofing.com are leading providers of flood mitigation and prevention products serving residential, commercial and municipal markets.

Smart Vent provides flood mitigation and protection products and services to both residential and commercial end markets. The Company was established in 1997 and introduced the first-ever ICC-ES Certified line of Engineered Flood Vents; a safeguard mandated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the National Flood Insurance Program, and the State and National Construction Codes in the United States.

Floodprooding.com works with architects, engineers and property managers to supply floodproofing designs and products to facilities and buildings that comply with flood codes and regulations. This division works to protect property owners from flood damage.

Smart Vent also includes Risk Reduction Plus Group, a national insurance brokerage serving the flood industry.

Kaulig Capital participated alongside Provariant Equity Partners in the firm’s recapitalization of Smart Vent in partnership with the Company’s owners, Mike Graham and Tom Little. Provariant’s principals and founders have long-standing relationships with the Kaulig Capital team.

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